Couleur Café 2019

Solidarity Village & #2030isnow

Solidarity Village & #2030isnow

Couleur Café has always been much more than just a music festival.

Solidarity Village

In addition to art & music, one of the cornerstones of the festival is raising public awareness for solidarity and humanistic values.

This year, Couleur Café collaborates with 3 associations (Citizen’s Platform for Refugee Support, Oxfam and the Red Cross) to focus particularly on the theme of "migrants".

The Citizen’s Platform for Refugee Support (very active within the Maximilian Park in Brussels) wants to establish a very concrete solidarity with all migrants. Today, the Platform, backed by an unprecedented number of citizens, also wants to question the origins of this crisis and the changes necessary to avoid future crises. It wants to remind us all the right to live in dignity is a right we all have.

In the Solidarity Village, the Citizen’s Platform works alongside the Red Cross and Oxfam who will also share their knowledge on the issue of immigration.


The second theme of this year’s festival will be the Sustainable Development goals of the European campaign #2030isnow: 17 goals to save the world!

To promote these Sustainable Development Goals, the European Commission and the Belgian Development Cooperation will meet the general public by investing the Couleur Café festival. The two actors will be present together on a stand whose main attraction will be an interactive wall allowing visitors to discover the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals in a fun way.

As the European Union is the world's leading partner for developing countries, the aim of this campaign is to raise the awareness among European citizens, especially youngsters. By emphasizing the importance of the 2030 Agenda, they try to explain what they can do at their level as responsible citizens. After all, it is up to us all to take care of our planet!