Couleur Café 2019

Namasté Village

Namasté Village

Need a moment off for reflection and meditation? Then head to the Namasté Village: for the second year in 2019, it has blossomed into a real village. You’ll  find an oasis of tranquility that’ll unravel the ancient secrets of ultimate relaxation.

  • Tai Chi: an ancient martial arts with therapeutic virtues, both physically and psychically. Its regular practice (Vlady Stevanovich’s), instantly lets corporal and mental tensions out.  By calm, precise and fluid movements, inspired by Nature and the elements that surround us, human beings find the link between heaven and earth… themselves!
  • Qi Gong: a therapeutic practice based on movement. Qi Gong is a thousand-year-old Chinese art whose meaning is developing and controlling energy. It is a synergy across movement, breath and thought, with the aim to strengthen one’s health. It develops the flexibility of the body and the mind. It harmonizes the energy of the body and dissolves blockages. It allows a better circulation of blood and energy in the body and its extremities. It improves all physical symptoms and emotional struggles and enhances our immunity. All these benefits allow a vitality gain and a better sleep.
  • Nia class: a technique combining the benefits of dance, martial arts and body awareness. On lively and stimulating music, wake up your expressiveness and have fun!
  • Bhakti Yoga: literally translated as the art of eternal love, it is indeed the yoga of the heart. What if happiness was to be found inside?! The physical experimentation of Bakhti yoga will be done by B.K.S. Iyengar yoga, which is based on a particular emphasis on the sequencing of postures, the work on alignments and the duration in holding postures.
  • Intuitive dance: come take a journey to the very heart of your true self. Let yourself resonate along with the music and express your intuitive movement while dancing.
  • Initiation to Thai massage: learning basic movements of Thai massage.
  • Sound Yoga: Yoga means "union", a reconnection to self, to one's deepest self. Aside from the postural Yoga that is the most known in Europe, there are many other practices in India to reconnect to our self and what surrounds us. In Nada Yoga, or Sound Yoga, the voice is used to relax and reconnect to our inner resources. But no fear: no need to be a singer or a musician. It's about using your own voice as it is and fully accepting it!
  • Introduction to Tibetan bowls: using sound for relaxation and my well-being is possible! How? Some sono-therapy bases and tips, and of course one of the key-tools: the Tibetan Singing Bowl.
  • Om Shanting: the OM sound has been sung since forever. This sound carries a very high vibration and allows us to harmonize in depth. Participating in a circle of OM Chanting helps to release emotions, thoughts and negative energies. Participants feel more peace, more joy, more harmony, more connection with themselves and others.
  • Initiation to meditation: relaxation and conscious breathing will make you feel focused and at peace , therefore fully live the present moment.
  • The other and me:  how we connect to each other by eye-contact, touch, movement… how I tell myself to the other, how I welcome the other…
  • Mel’s spiritual discoveries: no school is needed to enter the spiritual world! There are many entry doors and many practitioners, and it is not easy to find your way to start learning. In this area, you will discover different practices that will help you to have a better everyday life, understand what is happening to you and not miss the opportunities that your life may offer next! Interrogate the tarot a question, listen to what your energy says about you, discover the power of healing energy…