Couleur Café 2019

Couleur GREEN

07 June 2019

Couleur GREEN

At Couleur Café, we're in the lucky position of being able to share our values with thousands of festival goers. Thanks to our common efforts, we are able to reduce our ecological footprint a little more every year. We can't do this without your help! Earlier this week we celebrated World Environment Day 2019, the perfect excuse to sum up all our Couleur Green actions!

Waste sorting champs!
- Thanks to the 160 waste sorting zones, installed by our eco-manager and his team of 200 eco-stewards, 95% of all waste is recycled at Couleur Café.
- This edition, we even hired a park ranger, who'll be looking out for the trees, the roots and the lawns.

Cigarette butts
For the third time in a row, our favorite anti-cigarette butts activist Leo not Happy will be handing out 19,000 reusable pocket ashtrays and hanging 200 homemade ashtrays in
the trees. The City of Brussels provides 3 interactive ashtrays.

Good food
Being ecological means eating healthy! At Couleur Café, you've got plenty of options; every restaurant in our Rue du Bien Manger serves at least one vegetarian dish. Most of them focus on local products, vegetarian, vegan and bio ... Sustainable living has never tasted better. 

Hydrate intelligently!
Bring your own water bottle to the festival, just make sure it's empty and transparent. You can fill it up in the sanitary zones. Or you can simply buy your very own Couleur Café bottle at the merchandising.

Green mobility
Couleur Café encourages you all to take public transportation. No need to tell you though, every year you're very numerous in using the EventPass code to take free STIB buses, trams and metros. SNCB trains run at half price and there's a big guarded bike parking. This year, you can also try carsharing with TicTacTrip and